Write2Camp in Europe

Come and literally join me on my literary journey!

Tarifa, the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen!


Of course that doesn’t mean there aren’t many more beautiful beaches. But the Tarifa beach is the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen. (Click on photo to enlarge!)

The most wonderful restaurant owner in Marbella!

The most wonderful restaurant owner in Marbella!

We would never have discovered this place if we had never met Javiar, the owner of a beach side restaurant.

Because we ordered a huge fish platter at the ungodly hour of 11:30 in the morning (we were the only guests), Javiar was the host with the ‘mostess’. He told us of so many wonderful places that we must see, none of which were in our guide-book or in the tourist center. So, I can only recommend — talk to the  natives!

Since Javiar’s passion is kite-board surfing, he told us we must go to Tarifa, which just happens to be the El Dorado for kite board surfers in the world!  Meanwhile we found out  that Tarifa  is called Europe’s wind capital. Due to the Strait of Gibraltar, which  forms an ideal wind tunnel, it’s blessed with 300 days of wind and sun every year!


Only a two-hour drive from Marbella, Tarifa lies in the most southern point of Europe. When we arrived we were literally blown away – more ways than one!


But what really impressed me were the clear turquoise waves spewing out, in long billowing formations. Gusts of spindrift sprayed from their crests, reminding me of swarming insects gathering in silent dance formations, before spreading into masses of buzzing clouds.spray1

Tarifa is mainly known, though, for its canned Tuna. Maybe you too have opened a tuna can from Tarifa? Every year from March until August, tuna,  up to 3 meters in length and 700 kilos in weight, pass through the Straits of Gibraltar to spawning grounds in the Mediterranean. Guess how old Tuna can get! 35 years old! Who would have thought that?

In conclusion, if you like, check out the short slide show with a few more of my impressions of Tarifa.

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Hasta la Vista!

Author: Angelika Schwarz

I'm an author on the go. Give me a caravan, laptop, camera, and Hubby at my side, ( not exactly in that order), and I'm on a 'roll'.

8 thoughts on “Tarifa, the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen!

  1. What an amazing sight! Tremendous power in those waves. I’m so glad you got to see it and spend time there. We must have been very close to there when we took the ferry from Spain to Morocco, but it was pouring rain and we couldn’t see a thing. But I sure remember the waves.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How cool to know that you were in the area. The landscape is truly impressive…and a lot greener than I thought it would be. Love to read your comments Sharon. Thank you my friend.


  3. Absolutely gorgeous. The color of the water, those wave rolling in……………so picturesque. How lucky you are to get to see all these beautiful sights, and how lucky we are that you share them so we can enjoy them vicariously.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment Diane. That makes all my efforts worth it.


  5. Such a beautiful place!!! Talking to the natives is always a good idea 😊 What a great trip you must have had!!! You both look pretty pleased with yourselves 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Iva! Every day was special there. I think a lot of it was due to the beautiful view we had. It was even nice when it rained. 🙂


  7. Wow gorgeous! Do you speak Spanish?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Meredith. I had Spanish in school, but hardly remember anything. You can get by with English, though. Thank goodness English is the universal language.


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